Get Rid of Boring Gameplay Once and For All

June 16, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

My Secret to Getting Things Done

David Allen had a smash hit on his hands when he created and shared his GTD (Getting Things Done) system with the world. What he may not have counted on is that the system would be so popular that the GTD “industry” that sprang up around it has made it so complex as to defeat the purpose. So what are we to do? It’s a fantastic system and has been proven to work for even the most busy of people....

June 16, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Marginalia #2


June 10, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Marginalia #1


June 3, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

How Do You Handle Comments?

May 28, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Five Finance Basics

May 20, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Changing Habits and Getting Fit

May 19, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

You Look Nice Today

April 7, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Stormy Weather

April 4, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Back to the Grind

April 1, 2008 · Ian W. Parker