99.999% Reliable? Don’t Hold Your Breath

Randall Stross: At my house, the Internet connection is flaky at times, so I really shouldn’t demand that my favorite Web sites have Five-9s availability. Perceived reliability is determined by the least reliable service in the chain. A home user’s Internet connection, with a laptop using Wi-Fi, would be available about 99.8 percent of the time, estimates Mr. Hölzle at Google, which equates to about 18 hours of cumulative downtime a year....

January 9, 2011 · Ian W. Parker


The game, Minecraft, is quite possibly the only graphical multiplayer game that captures the text-based MUD experience of years past. By that, I mean that not only can you login and play on a server with other people, but you can also download the server software and host your own game server allowing others to connect and play. Additionally, with some mods or some coding, you can add your own features and functions to the game....

January 7, 2011 · Ian W. Parker

On the TSA Backscatter Scanner Safety Reports

November 29, 2010 · Ian W. Parker

TSA Success Story

November 17, 2010 · Ian W. Parker

Damn You, Auto Correct!

November 5, 2010 · Ian W. Parker

Autobiography of Mark Twain

October 20, 2010 · Ian W. Parker

Seth Godin rant on willful ignorance

October 20, 2010 · Ian W. Parker


October 8, 2010 · Ian W. Parker

To Glennis

September 25, 2010 · Ian W. Parker

The .DOC file of J. Alfred Prufrock

September 23, 2010 · Ian W. Parker