Thimbleweed Park

Stay for all of the credits. A classic adventure game that is fun and has just the right amount of challenge and absurdity. The cast is well-written and provided plenty of laughs. I would award you bonus points if you can spot all of the adventure game references. There are many. Some players have complained about the ending; however, I think the designers did a good job with wrangling the loose ends as the adventure game conceit is that there is a ridiculous denouement....

September 14, 2017 · Ian W. Parker

What Remains of Edith Finch

This was more of a gaming experience or interactive novel than a strict game, but it does not disappoint. This game falls squarely on my list of top games for this year. It is a well told story of a family tree that has a solid ending with feeling. The progression is guided without being obtrusive, and the in-game hints for controls on certain segments is equally subtle and easy to parse....

September 13, 2017 · Ian W. Parker