Microsoft Commercials Are Better Than You Think

September 19, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Sassy Septuagenarians

September 17, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Making Steel and Getting Things Done with Money and Web Applications

September 11, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Why Change is Good

September 8, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Never Stop Dreaming

September 7, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

What Are You Doing Right Now?

It’s a simple question that built the Twitter empire 140 characters at a time. What are you doing? And yet, I feel that although I use Twitter fairly often, I do not actually ask myself that question enough throughout the work day. How many times have you found yourself wasting what would be otherwise productive time doing something… well, unproductive? If you’re a regular reader here, then you’ve heard of Merlin Mann by now....

September 4, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Five (Merlin Mann) Sites Worth Visiting

August 19, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Weighting Olympic Medals

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="458.0"]<a href="https://Ian W."><img src="" alt="Medals - Beijing 2008 (front)" /></a> Medals - Beijing 2008 (front)[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="10.0"]<img src="https://Ian W." alt="10px-8px-gold" /> 10px-8px-gold[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="10.0"]<img src="https://Ian W." alt="10px-8px-silver" /> 10px-8px-silver[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="10.0"]<img src="https://Ian W." alt="10px-8px-bronze" /> 10px-8px-bronze[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="458.0"]<a href="https://Ian W."><img src="" alt="Medals - Beijing 2008 (back)" /></a> Medals - Beijing 2008 (back)[/caption] [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="10....

August 18, 2008 · Ian W. Parker

Going Horizontal

August 14, 2008 · Ian W. Parker