Inspiration Comes at Odd Times
On my morning commute to work, I drove past a church with the following statement on their sign: Aspire to inspire before you expire. Despite the fact that it sounds a bit platitudinous, I thought that it was a rather inspiring statement in and of itself. What prompted me to write about it was the reminder that it gave me of Rox and Shane over at Beach Walks with Rox. I watch every show, and if you haven’t yet, I recommend that you do....
Truer Words
Ariel Waldman tweeted this earlier today: My life has entered warp speed, and I’m having trouble keeping up with myself. How very apropos to my life as well for the past couple of months. If I ever catch up, I don’t think I’ll stop; I’ll just try to lap life lest it leaves me lollygagging again.
Time to travel
In this post, I will refer to the 10th item listed on Sagmeister’s 16 Rules to Live By that I previously wrote about. I have decided that this year is the forced year that applies to the 10th rule, which states, Traveling alone is helpful for a new perspective on life. Since I did not decide to be alone, and yet am, I should at least take the opportunity to clear my head and find some new vision....
A Picture a Day #3
Today, I thought I would look at another one of the items from Sagmeister’s list. It reads, Over time, I get used to everything and start taking it for granted. How true this is of many people in the world today. In particular, I fall prey to this habit. It is so easy to forget the beauty and majesty of the world around us. It is far too easy to neglect those we love and ignore the simple pleasures in life....
I was listening to the Strauss opera, Salomé, while at work and wrote a “haiku review” of it. Salomé Dissonant op’ra Harmonic
Application framework scalability
When designing web sites, creators must take several criteria into account: navigation, consistency, performance, appearance, quality, interactivity, security, and scalability. This is especially true for e-commerce sites. Customers and companies alike access e-commerce web sites to accomplish a number of differing tasks from account setup to repeat purchases to content management. Content management is one task which companies must address when developing and maintaining their e-commerce sites. When implementing a content management system, not only do the needs of employees need to be met, but the system must meet all of the aforementioned criteria with respect to the customers which will be accessing it, scalability being arguably one of the most important....
16 Rules to Live By
Over at 43Folders last week, Merlin posted a story about Stefan Sagmeister and a speech that was given at the TED conference. In this speech, Stefan puts forth a list of items that he has collected over time. He feels that these are a good set of distilled rules for happiness and design. Complaining is silly. Either act or forget. Thinking life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live now....
Security and cyber-crime
Hackers like to draw a distinction between members of their subculture who exploit and break into systems for personal gain and those who do so for the knowledge. Hackers will often refer to a person of malicious intent as a “cracker”, but whether the intent is good or bad, the mere act of intrusion on an information system is of questionable ethics. In the United States, the law does not look at the individual’s intent, but rather at the action itself....
Privacy and information systems
Information systems are developed to provide mechanisms for storing, accessing, sharing and manipulating data. The most important part of the information system is the data. Preserving the integrity of the data is essential in maintaining a trusted system that users will want to leverage for use in business. Confidentiality and security are also requirements of a well designed information system. Organizations, such as hospitals, which store large amounts of highly sensitive data are becoming the focus of attacks on information systems....